Thursday, July 24, 2014


I know you've all been patiently waiting for the next chapter and yes, it is coming, I promise.  Things have just been a little crazy in my little corner of the world lately.

In the last two weeks I put over a thousand miles on my car.  We traveled to Cleveland to see our beloved Yankees take on the Cleveland Indians and then we spent a few days roaming the lovely City and yes, we visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame while we were there.  We had a fabulous time.  

One week and a thousand dollars in car repairs later (I was NOT happy about that) we trekked off to Pennsylvania to visit a prospective college for the little man.  I know, I know, if we're talking college he's not a little man anymore, but what can I say, I will forever call him that.  Oh, he love the campus and will be apply to said college in September once school starts.  I can hardly believe he will be a senior in high school in a few weeks.  *Sigh* really, where does the time go?

And just one short day after the trek to Pennsylvania, I flew off to NYC to visit with Joviswillow and T (T's Place T) for the weekend.  We had more fun - Coney Island, Sunset sail on the Hudson River, fantastic Italian food, a whole lot of walking and a ton of laughs.  Couldn't have asked for more, except maybe a smooth trip home.  But that's a story for another day.

Anyway, I'm back to work and getting caught up with the job that pays the bills and lets me have the fun I've been having.  As soon as I get the back log taken care of, I will get Rich and Stephanie back on track.  Hopefully next week I will have something to post for all of you.


Thanks and I hope you are all enjoying your summer as much as I am.



  1. Glad you are having a good summer! Looking forward to more of your story whenever you're ready. JC

  2. happy your having a great summer, we'll be waiting patiently for the next chapter, sorry to hear about your car and the expense of it.

  3. We have some great colleges here in North Carolina, just Duke, Wake Forest and UNC (Carolina) if he wants to go into medician or Political Science. All have great sports teams. We also have NC State, UNCCharlotte UNCAsheville UNCGreensboro and UNCWilmington, East Carolina, so you see throw a rock and hit a college. We also have a school of the Arts. Have a great time visiting colleges It's a once in a life time event. We'll be here waiting patiently for a new chapter, always remember family first.

  4. If you want your child to go to the best college then you need to send him here at The University Of Kentucky and We Have The Best Basketball Team Anywhere.
