Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Darcy poked her head in the door just as Stephanie was shutting down for the day.  Her last day before heading back to the east coast for the holiday.  She had crossed the room and set a small, festively wrapped box on Stephanie’s desk before Stephanie could even say hello.  “Merry Christmas.”

Stephanie looked from the box up to Darcy’s face and smiled.  “Thank you.  We must be on the same wavelength today.”  She pulled open the lower drawer of her desk and took out a flat square box wrapped in pretty embossed paper with a big red bow on it.  “Merry Christmas to you too.”  She handed the box to Darcy.

Darcy sat down in one of the chairs facing the desk.  “Thanks.  What time is your plane tomorrow?  Do you need a ride to the airport?”  She worked the bow off the box as she waited for Stephanie to answer.

Stephanie picked up her own gift.  “Eleven and no, I don’t need a ride.  I’m going to leave my car at the airport.  I’ll be back on the 30th.”

Darcy’s interest was piqued.  “So you’ll be back for new years?”

Stephanie didn’t like the glint in her friend’s eye.  “Yes. But I already have plans.”

Darcy started to frown, but her lips curved back into a smile as she ripped the paper from her gift and dropped it to the floor.  “Oh...” she looked up at Stephanie a little in awe as she ran her fingers lightly over the interlocking C’s on the top of the box.  “This isn’t for real is it?”

Stephanie didn’t say anything, she just nodded her head and watched.

Darcy carefully lifted the lid off the box and gently slid the tissue paper away.  “Oh, it’s beautiful.  But you shouldn’t have.”  She picked the scarf up and nuzzled it against her cheek.  It was the exact blue of her eyes and soft as water.  She got up and walked around the desk, pulling Stephanie to her feet and wrapping her in a hug.  “Thank you.  I love it and it’s going to look great with my coat.”  Even in southern California there were days when you needed and overcoat and a scarf.   

Darcy moved back to her chair.  “Go ahead and open yours.  Though I can guarantee it’s nothing as nice as this.”  She sat back and fingered her very first Chanel scarf.

Stephanie peeled the paper off her gift and lifted the lid.  She pushed aside the tissue and carefully lifted the snowflake from it’s nest.  It was made of crystal, so fine and delicate it looked like spun sugar.  Stephanie twisted her wrist gently and the snowflake bounced rainbows of light across the air.  “It’s so pretty, Darcy.  Thank you.”  She studied the snowflake again, maybe she should have put a tree up after all.  

“I know you come from the east coast where they have snow for Christmas.  I like this kind of snow better.  You don’t have to shovel it and it won’t melt all over the place.”

Stephanie laughed.  “I was never a fan of the stuff, but it sure was pretty to wake up to on Christmas morning.”  Her laughter faded.  Mark had loved the snow.   She remember many Christmas mornings standing at the front window, the mess of Christmas wrap on the floor behind them, watching out the window as the snow gently fell.  

Breathing deeply, she pushed the thought to the back of her mind.  Standing, she reboxed the snowflake and tucked it into her bag and gathered the rest of her things.  “I’m heading out.  I still need to pack.”

Darcy stood and wrapped her scarf around her neck and picked up her box.  “I’ll walk out with you.  I’m ready to go myself.”

They stopped at Stephanie’s car,  Darcy’s was parked just few spots away.  Darcy waited as Stephanie set her things inside.  “So do you really have plans for new years or were you just pulling my leg?  She didn’t want her new friend to spend that night alone.  She’d done that before, it was no fun ringing in a new year by yourself.

Stephanie shook her head slightly.  “I really do have plans.  Rich is having a get together.  He insisted I come.  Wouldn’t take no for an answer really.”

Darcy pulled her into a brief hug.  “Good.”  She stepped back and looked at her friend.  “You have a great Christmas with your family and I’ll see you when you get back.  I have to go, I have some last minute shopping to do.”

Stephanie pulled open her car door.  “You have a good Christmas too.  See you next year.”


Stephanie set her suitcase by the front door and shrugged into her coat.  She took one last look around before locking the door behind her and heading out to the airport.  She had hoped to hear from Richie before she left, but he hadn’t called.  She knew he was traveling home from a million miles away, but she missed talking to him.  This was the first time since he left that they hadn’t had any contact.

He had called or emailed at least once a day, every day after he left.  It might just be a picture or a funny text, but there was always something.  

Until today.  Today, there had been nothing.  Maybe she should call him.

He had always initiated the calls or emails.  So she wondered if she should take that step today.  Maybe he was busy or there was no cell service wherever he was.  She went back and forth with herself all the way to the airport, while she checked her bag, while she took off her boots and loaded all her things into the bins to go through security.  

“This is crazy” she muttered as she pulled her boots back on and repacked her laptop bag.  She dug out her phone and as she headed to her gate she made the call.

Hey, this is Richie, leave me a message.  

She sighed.  Guess she’d just do what he said.  “Hey you.  I’m at the airport about to board my flight.  I hope you get home safe.”  She paused then added quietly, “I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, Rich.  I’ll see you soon.”


Dragging his suitcase behind him, Richie wearily climbed into the backseat of the dark sedan.  He was wiped out.  The flight across two...three... six, however many time zones it was between Australia and California always took its toll.  He needed to sleep for a week to readjust.  He could barely summon the energy to groan.

Resting his head against the back seat he fished his phone from his pocket.  Pushing a button, he closed his eyes and waited for it to come to life.  When it beeped his pried his eyes open and saw that he had a message.  From Stephanie.

This was a first.  He had been the one to do all the calling or emailing.  She would always answer, no matter what time of day, but she never initiated.  The sound of her voice on his phone eased some of his weariness and made him smile.  

She had missed him. 


  1. Aw, tired Rock Star.

    Good move with the call Stephanie...gotta pull your share of the relationship weight if you want it to work.

    I like the sounds of that snowflake. Very pretty :)

  2. Yeah, glad she called him. Great timing for him to get an unexpected message, when he's so wiped & isn't going to get to see her for a few days.

    Poor exhausted Rock that's how he REALLY is feeling right about now.

  3. I just need to take a moment to lodge my only complaint about this story... The chapters are too short! LOL!

    I AM thankful that Steph showed some initiative and took that step in contacting him, especially at a time when Richie really needed a pick-me-up. Seems like she's making steady progress, and maybe even looking forward to New Year's Eve??

    Anxiously awaiting the next installment! :o)

  4. Nooooooooo I caught up I tried really hard to ration the chapters but failed miserably.

    Great story, can't wait for more


  5. Nice to see her start to give a little. Open your heart, Steph. I promise it's going to be worth it.
