Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter 4

Richie quietly slipped out of bed and through the sliding door onto the balcony.  Leaning on the railing he studied the glass-like surface of the pool below.  He looked over his shoulder and back to the woman who was still asleep in his bed.  What the hell was wrong with him?  What had he been thinking getting involved with her?   

Straightening he rolled his shoulders and stretched.  She damn near killed him last night, even with that stupid little blue pill he had popped.  He shook his head in disgust.  Designing clothes and making music with her was one thing, but this, he was going to have to put an end to it. 

A grim smile crept along his lips.  Thank God the press hadn’t gotten wind of their tryst.  They had actually seemed to believe the lie that they were only working together.  He shrugged and sat in one of the heavily cushioned chairs.  It didn’t really matter.  They had the thing at The Grove for Extra this afternoon and then he would tell her.  She would understand.  He hoped.  He’d hate to ruin their working relationship, but he just couldn’t do this anymore.

He sighed and lay his head back against the cushion.  He needed someone more his own age; someone who maybe wasn’t in the business.  He wanted what he used to have with Heather a million years ago when they first got together.  Long talks, quiet dinners, cuddling on the couch to watch a movie.  He bit back a laugh.  Damn he must be getting old if his idea of a good time is a cuddle on the couch.  Used to be a good time was going out until all hours, drinking himself into a good buzz and finding the prettiest girl at the bar and sweet talking her into his bed.  He shook his head, those were the days.

He looked back into his room again.  Yeah, he wasn’t 25 anymore.  As difficult as it was for him to admit, he just couldn’t keep up with that crowd.  And, if he was being honest, he didn’t really want to. 

Standing, he stretched once more and headed back into his room.  There had to be a woman out there who wanted what he wanted, right?  He’d find her and maybe he’d start to feel settled again.  He strode to the bathroom.  Being single in his fifties had never been in his life plan.  He was managing, but he wanted more than that.  He wanted companionship, he wanted a partner, someone to share the day-in and day-out with, someone to grow old with.  He spit toothpaste into the sink.  He wanted what Jon had, what Tico and David had managed to find for a second time.

He wiped his face and studied himself in the mirror.  The girl in his bed was a nice distraction, but, ultimately, she was not the answer.  There was someone out there for him, he was sure of it. 

All he had to do was find her.


Sipping her tea, Stephanie paced the deck, the redwood warm under the toes from the sun.  She paced back to her chair and sat, plunking the laptop in her lap.  Checking her e-mail she nearly got up and danced around.  Her friends were in the air.  Their plane would be landing around 2 p.m. local time.   She glanced at the time down in the right hand corner of the computer screen.  It was a half hour to the airport she had time for a quick run through of the house and a shower. 

Gathering her things she scurried into the house.  Her kitchen was in order, the family room was clean.  She put her mug in the dishwasher and her laptop in her office.  That was one room she had yet to tackle, but at least you could walk in there and actually sit at the desk.  She’d get to it.  Eventually.  When it wasn’t so hard to go through his things.  She stepped back, into the hallway.  She wasn’t going to do this now.  She didn’t want to greet her friends with tears. 

She headed for the stairs.  Today was a day for smiles.

As she showered and dressed, she found her smile.  It widened when she got into her car and slid her sunglasses on.  It grew broader the farther along she got on the 110, the closer she got to the airport. 

Listening to GPS Jack she made her turn off and maneuvered her car around and into a parking spot.  They’d have a late lunch on the way back to her house.  Smoothing her shirt down, she stepped through the automatic door and headed to the security area.  They were bound to have questions.  She checked the arrivals board, their plane was at the gate.  She’d answer them as best she could.  She looked down the hallway, and finally, there they were.  A tall brunette, a pretty blonde and a fiery redhead. 

She grinned, still unable to believe that Hath had gotten on a plane for her.  She raised her hand to wave and in a heartbeat was surrounded by the three women.  Hugs and kisses, squeals of pleasure and laughter rang around them.  It had been more than a year since they had last been together.  But this time was a happy time. 

“Oh my God.  I can’t believe you’re all really here!”  They walked and talked all the way to the baggage claim.  “And you” she turned to Hath and grabbed her hand.  “You got on a plane and flew across the country for me.”  She hugged her tight.  “Thank you.”

“I’d do anything for my girls.  Even fly.  I did take half a Xanax, so there’s no telling what I might say or do.”

Waiting for the luggage to come down the chute Willow rested her head on Stephanie’s shoulder. “You’re so skinny now.  Where’s the rest of you?”

Stephanie rested her head against Willow’s.  “I left her in New York.”

An arm snaked around her waist.  “Are you doing okay out here?” 

She put her arm around Cate.  “So far.  It’s a little lonely, but once I start my job I’m sure I’ll make some friends.”

She didn’t want to do this here.  They could talk about all that later.  Straightening she hugged both girls and pasted on a smile.  Just then the luggage started making its way around on the belt.  She stepped forward and turned to face the girls.  “Let’s get your stuff and get out of here.  You guys have got to see my car.”

The girls stopped short when Stephanie unlocked the car.  “This is your car?” 

She nodded, “yep.  Like it?”

Cate ran her hand over the back quarter panel.  “She’s a beauty.” 

Hath got in the front seat.  “This was your 40th birthday car, right?”

“Yeah.  Mark and I finished her up right before-”.  She trailed off.  “Before.”

The girls all nodded.  “You guys did a great job.  And it’s the perfect car for California.”

Stephanie caught Willow’s eye in the rearview window.  “Thanks.”  She turned the key and the car roared to life.  “You guys hungry?  Wanna get some lunch?”

Three heads nodded.  “Sure.  What’s good around here?”

Stephanie smiled and headed to the exit.  “I thought, since we have to drive through LA, we’d stop at The Grove.  There’s a ton of restaurants to pick from.”

Hath’s eyes widened.  “You know who’s going to be there today, right?”

Stephanie shook her head.  She had no idea.  “Who?”

Thee mouths gaped open.  “Haven’t you been keeping up to date with stuff?”  Hath was shaking her head in disbelief.

“I’m so far behind I don’t think I’ll ever catch up.  Why?  What’s going on?”

A chorus of oh my god’s came at her.  “Richie is going to be there today!”


  1. I really liked Richie's dialogue with himself. And don't we all really wonder if he isn't doing her?? The blue pill made me sad though. He doesn't sport the tattoo, but he's supposed to be Superman of the Sheets! Reality

    Can't wait to see if he's gonna be safe in the same vicinity as the four girls!! Should be fun!

    Lovin' it! :o)

  2. Can't wait for the 'meet up' with Richie...LOL And those four together is just asking for trouble!

  3. O Richie, Richie...
    Doesn't the fact that you NEEDED that "blue pill" tell you that Nikki is WRONG for ya?!?!?!

    And I shudder at the thought what trouble can that "foursome" get themselves into!!!! Luckily at least one of them has "law inforcement connections'!!!

  4. Yeah I was surprised about the little blue pill myself, he is supposed to be the superman of the sheets as you say. I can only imagine what these 4 girls will do when they meet Richie. To me personally, I don't think Richie needs that little blue pill in real life. He is in amazing shape, and has a lot of energy on stage, so I think he does just fine without it.

  5. I can't wait until the 4 girls meet Richie. I have a feeling Richie and Steph are going to hit it off. He will be her second chance at love, and she will be his second chance to find someone outside of the business. I can't wait until the next chpater.

  6. Hi Queenie, just found this story today and of course am up to date, need more please.

  7. Nice little night into our favorite guitarist. Thank god he's thinking with his big head for once. And guess what? I bet there's no need for the little blue pill when you're really interested.

    The girls are going to give him what for and I can't wait.
