Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chapter Five

Stephanie grew quiet, letting their conversation flow around her. How had she not known who was going to be at The Grove today? She had been out of touch for so long that she hadn’t bothered to see what the band was up to these days. She hadn’t bothered with much of anything that would bring her any kind of a smile.

Until now.

She tuned back in to the conversation, their excitement was infectious. “I guess it’s safe to assume that The Grove is an okay place to stop for lunch then?”

She got three excited yeses in response. Laughing she took the next exit and listened to GPS Jack direct her to her destination.

Turning on to The Grove Drive Stephanie made the quick decision to use the valet. The garage with its digital signs indicated that there were maybe five parking spots available. She didn’t want to be driving around in circles for an hour in the hopes of snagging a spot. Pulling up to The Circle the girls got out and Stephanie watched wistfully as her car was driven away.

Hath moved up next to her. “They’ll take care of her.”

Stephanie nodded. “They’d better.” Then she smiled. “Come on girls, let’s go to The Farm and get something to eat.”

“The Farm?” She got three speculative glances.

She rolled her eyes to the sky. “Yes ladies, The Farm. I checked it out online. It’s right next to The Farmer’s Market and they use fresh and home grown everything. I thought it sounded good. Come on, we’ll go look and if you want to go somewhere else, we can.”


The giggling chatter of the four women had him glancing up. He and Nikki had finished their Extra interview and now he was with two of his favorite ladies. He was tucked away at a table in the corner with his mother and grandmother enjoying a quiet late lunch when the undeniable female sound grabbed his attention. The four women made a pretty picture walking through the restaurant.

The tall brunette led the way, a pretty redhead, a cute blonde and a shorter, slender brunette followed their leader to a table in the opposite corner. He had to smile as they sat, perusing their menus, never letting a lull fall in their conversation. He understood friendship like that. He’d had it with three other men for the last 27 years.

The shorter of the two brunettes sat facing him, but not seeing him. Not yet anyway. He watched as she pushed her sunglasses up, pushing back the fall of dark curls. She had a pretty, fresh face but he was intrigued more by the smile on her lips that was in complete contrast to the sadness he could see around her eyes. He knew that look. He’d seen it reflected back at him in his own mirror many a time. Trying to maintain a happy facade while whatever had put the sadness in her eyes struggled to remain buried.

Who was this woman? She didn’t look Hollywood. He scanned the three other women. None of them did.


The girls chatted away, not noticing that they were being watched. “It’s too bad we missed Extra. How cool would it have been to accidentally on purpose run into HIM?” Hath and Catte voiced their disappointment.

Stephanie nodded and looked up, catching the eyes of the man across the room. He was staring right at her and her grip on Hath’s arm tightened. A strangled “oh my God” was all she could manage.

“What?” Hath hadn’t seen him yet, didn’t understand the bruising grip.

Stephanie gave a slight nod of her head. “Look.”

Hath turned her head and whipped it back. “Holy Shit!”

Catte and Willow looked. “Oh my God!”

“Shhhh!!” Stephanie lowered her head. “We don’t want to scare the man.”

The girls chatter grew louder as they wondered they should approach him or if they should try to covertly get a picture with their phones.

Stephanie risked a glance across the room. What was he doing here? Why was he staring at them? His eyes met hers and he winked at her. Her heart thudded in her chest and she averted her gaze. Why was he watching her?

Their waitress came then, distracting the girls and taking their order, making the decision to do nothing for them. When she left them Stephanie looked back across the room. The table was empty. Her eyes flitted to the door, it was just swinging shut. He had left before any one of them had even the slightest chance of getting out of their chair. She relaxed back in her chair. It was just as well, making an ass of herself was not on the agenda for the day.

The girls enjoyed their late lunch and after paying their bill, headed back to the Valet Circle. They were ready to get to Stephanie’s and just hang out and have a margarita and listen to some music. Just chill and finish catching up.

They weren’t the only ones waiting for a car when they got there. As Stephanie handed to her ticket to the young man Willow gripped her arm. “Oh my God, there he is again!”

The girls looked up. He was helping his mother and grandmother up into the giant black hummer he was so fond of. What were the odds of running into him twice in one day?

Hath looked at the group. “Oh hell, I’ve got to say something.” She raised her hand and waved. “Hi!”

Closing the door he smiled, his dimple flashing. He waggled his fingers in their direction. “Hey.”

Hath grabbed Catte and Willow. “Come on.” Catte reached for Stephanie, “you’re coming too.” Just then the valet came with her car and she pulled her hand back.

“You go, my car’s here.” She watched and smiled as they took turns getting a picture and a little conversation. She was happy for her friends. This was something they had all talked about, hoped would happen one day.

Richie had been more than happy to pose for pictures, but was surprised that the other brunette didn’t join her friends. From the short time watching her in the restaurant he had seen the fan in her. Now he saw the reluctance to approach him. “What about your friend with the hot car?” The Camaro was sweet, and not at all what he would have expected the pretty little brunette to drive.

Catte looked over at her. “Steph, get your ass over here!”

She shook her head. She just couldn’t make herself walk over there.

Hath walked over and took her hand. “Come on, when are you ever going to get a chance like this again?”

Taking a breath she slipped her sunglasses on again and walked over to where they were standing. Richie put on his best smile. “I don’t bite darlin’.”

She found a smile for him. “Really? That’s too bad.” She felt her face heat and she clamped her mouth shut. Where the hell had that come from?

He laughed as she turned several shades of red. “Oh I think I like you already sweetheart.”

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter 4

Richie quietly slipped out of bed and through the sliding door onto the balcony.  Leaning on the railing he studied the glass-like surface of the pool below.  He looked over his shoulder and back to the woman who was still asleep in his bed.  What the hell was wrong with him?  What had he been thinking getting involved with her?   

Straightening he rolled his shoulders and stretched.  She damn near killed him last night, even with that stupid little blue pill he had popped.  He shook his head in disgust.  Designing clothes and making music with her was one thing, but this, he was going to have to put an end to it. 

A grim smile crept along his lips.  Thank God the press hadn’t gotten wind of their tryst.  They had actually seemed to believe the lie that they were only working together.  He shrugged and sat in one of the heavily cushioned chairs.  It didn’t really matter.  They had the thing at The Grove for Extra this afternoon and then he would tell her.  She would understand.  He hoped.  He’d hate to ruin their working relationship, but he just couldn’t do this anymore.

He sighed and lay his head back against the cushion.  He needed someone more his own age; someone who maybe wasn’t in the business.  He wanted what he used to have with Heather a million years ago when they first got together.  Long talks, quiet dinners, cuddling on the couch to watch a movie.  He bit back a laugh.  Damn he must be getting old if his idea of a good time is a cuddle on the couch.  Used to be a good time was going out until all hours, drinking himself into a good buzz and finding the prettiest girl at the bar and sweet talking her into his bed.  He shook his head, those were the days.

He looked back into his room again.  Yeah, he wasn’t 25 anymore.  As difficult as it was for him to admit, he just couldn’t keep up with that crowd.  And, if he was being honest, he didn’t really want to. 

Standing, he stretched once more and headed back into his room.  There had to be a woman out there who wanted what he wanted, right?  He’d find her and maybe he’d start to feel settled again.  He strode to the bathroom.  Being single in his fifties had never been in his life plan.  He was managing, but he wanted more than that.  He wanted companionship, he wanted a partner, someone to share the day-in and day-out with, someone to grow old with.  He spit toothpaste into the sink.  He wanted what Jon had, what Tico and David had managed to find for a second time.

He wiped his face and studied himself in the mirror.  The girl in his bed was a nice distraction, but, ultimately, she was not the answer.  There was someone out there for him, he was sure of it. 

All he had to do was find her.


Sipping her tea, Stephanie paced the deck, the redwood warm under the toes from the sun.  She paced back to her chair and sat, plunking the laptop in her lap.  Checking her e-mail she nearly got up and danced around.  Her friends were in the air.  Their plane would be landing around 2 p.m. local time.   She glanced at the time down in the right hand corner of the computer screen.  It was a half hour to the airport she had time for a quick run through of the house and a shower. 

Gathering her things she scurried into the house.  Her kitchen was in order, the family room was clean.  She put her mug in the dishwasher and her laptop in her office.  That was one room she had yet to tackle, but at least you could walk in there and actually sit at the desk.  She’d get to it.  Eventually.  When it wasn’t so hard to go through his things.  She stepped back, into the hallway.  She wasn’t going to do this now.  She didn’t want to greet her friends with tears. 

She headed for the stairs.  Today was a day for smiles.

As she showered and dressed, she found her smile.  It widened when she got into her car and slid her sunglasses on.  It grew broader the farther along she got on the 110, the closer she got to the airport. 

Listening to GPS Jack she made her turn off and maneuvered her car around and into a parking spot.  They’d have a late lunch on the way back to her house.  Smoothing her shirt down, she stepped through the automatic door and headed to the security area.  They were bound to have questions.  She checked the arrivals board, their plane was at the gate.  She’d answer them as best she could.  She looked down the hallway, and finally, there they were.  A tall brunette, a pretty blonde and a fiery redhead. 

She grinned, still unable to believe that Hath had gotten on a plane for her.  She raised her hand to wave and in a heartbeat was surrounded by the three women.  Hugs and kisses, squeals of pleasure and laughter rang around them.  It had been more than a year since they had last been together.  But this time was a happy time. 

“Oh my God.  I can’t believe you’re all really here!”  They walked and talked all the way to the baggage claim.  “And you” she turned to Hath and grabbed her hand.  “You got on a plane and flew across the country for me.”  She hugged her tight.  “Thank you.”

“I’d do anything for my girls.  Even fly.  I did take half a Xanax, so there’s no telling what I might say or do.”

Waiting for the luggage to come down the chute Willow rested her head on Stephanie’s shoulder. “You’re so skinny now.  Where’s the rest of you?”

Stephanie rested her head against Willow’s.  “I left her in New York.”

An arm snaked around her waist.  “Are you doing okay out here?” 

She put her arm around Cate.  “So far.  It’s a little lonely, but once I start my job I’m sure I’ll make some friends.”

She didn’t want to do this here.  They could talk about all that later.  Straightening she hugged both girls and pasted on a smile.  Just then the luggage started making its way around on the belt.  She stepped forward and turned to face the girls.  “Let’s get your stuff and get out of here.  You guys have got to see my car.”

The girls stopped short when Stephanie unlocked the car.  “This is your car?” 

She nodded, “yep.  Like it?”

Cate ran her hand over the back quarter panel.  “She’s a beauty.” 

Hath got in the front seat.  “This was your 40th birthday car, right?”

“Yeah.  Mark and I finished her up right before-”.  She trailed off.  “Before.”

The girls all nodded.  “You guys did a great job.  And it’s the perfect car for California.”

Stephanie caught Willow’s eye in the rearview window.  “Thanks.”  She turned the key and the car roared to life.  “You guys hungry?  Wanna get some lunch?”

Three heads nodded.  “Sure.  What’s good around here?”

Stephanie smiled and headed to the exit.  “I thought, since we have to drive through LA, we’d stop at The Grove.  There’s a ton of restaurants to pick from.”

Hath’s eyes widened.  “You know who’s going to be there today, right?”

Stephanie shook her head.  She had no idea.  “Who?”

Thee mouths gaped open.  “Haven’t you been keeping up to date with stuff?”  Hath was shaking her head in disbelief.

“I’m so far behind I don’t think I’ll ever catch up.  Why?  What’s going on?”

A chorus of oh my god’s came at her.  “Richie is going to be there today!”

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chapter Three

Sitting on the deck with the morning sunshine raining down on her, Stephanie sipped at her tea and booted up her laptop.

To:     The Girls
From: Q
Re:     Hi

So, I’m all settled.  It’s so quiet.  Almost too quiet actually.  I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that.  But, I’m trying.

The sun is shining today and I managed to find the grocery store without getting lost.  A feat in and of itself that was.  :P

Y’all need to come and visit.  California, from what I’ve seen so far, is nowhere near what HRH makes it out to be.  But then again, I haven’t ventured to Hollywood yet.

My guest room is ready and waiting.  J


Gathering her things she wandered back in the house.  Today was shopping day.  Stephanie had been through her closet and found one pair of jeans that fit.  Sort of.  If she wore a belt and had it on the last hole they didn’t threaten to leave her indecently exposed if she coughed.  What had happened to her?  She studied the woman in the mirror.   

She had always been a curvier sort.  Full figured she guessed some would say.  Her jean size always hovered between a 12 and 14, much to her dismay.  There had been a few thin years though, right after she’d had her son, when she could get herself into a size 8 with no trouble.  Then she’d turned 35.  All of a sudden the weight started creeping back on.  But now, she looked down at herself, it was all gone again.  She palmed her breasts and lifted slightly.  Even her boobs were disappearing. 

She sighed and dragged on her robe. She was going to have to start from the skin and work her way out today.  A whole new wardrobe from bras to boots was the order of the day. 

Risking a glance in the mirror she frowned at herself.  She really had let everything go.  Her brows were in dire need of a good plucking and her hair was a disaster.  She sighed.  She couldn’t let her friends see her like this.  She’d scare them right back to the east coast. She’d have to add a trip to the salon to her list as well.  If she could find one.  She rolled her eyes at that thought.  Her GPS was certainly going to get a work out today.

After a quick shower she hopped in her car, put the top down and headed into metropolitan, downtown Burbank.  In his Australian accent her GPS directed her to turn left on West Magnolia Boulevard and her destination would be on the right.  

Slowing to a stop she glanced up at the building and then frowned at her GPS.  “Really Jack, this is where you want me to go?”  She looked back up at the pink and black sign.  Frenchy’s Beauty Parlor it read.  “Sounds like it came straight out of Grease” she mumbled as she parked the car and put the top up.

Stepping through the door she felt as though she had stepped back in time to the 1950s. Pink, black and chrome greeted her from every surface.  The black and white tile floor gleamed in the fluorescent light and the receptionist snapped her gum with a smile.  “Can I help ya?”

Stephanie looked around once more and decided that as long as she didn’t end up looking like an Easter egg, why not.  She glanced at the girl’s name tag.  “Sally, I was just wondering if I could make an appointment.”

Sally checked her book.  “It just so happens that we had a cancellation this morning.”  She held up her finger, “just a sec.”  She walked over to talk with one of the girls and then came back to where Stephanie was standing.  “Rosie will be right with ya.  Just have a seat.”

Stephanie smiled at the girl.  “Thanks.”

Three hours and three hundred dollars later, Stephanie had a new haircut, fresh color, waxed brows and a bag full of “must have” beauty products.

Settling behind the wheel she debated about putting the top down.  She had just had her hair done after all, but the pull of the sunshine and warm air was too strong.  As the top folded back, the sun glinted off the ring on the middle finger of her left hand.  Garnets and aquamarines circled her finger.  Her birthstone and his.  His gift to her for their twentieth wedding anniversary.  She had finally put away her wedding rings before she moved, but this ring she just couldn’t take off.  It was the last sparkly gift he had ever given her. 

Raising her right hand she studied the purple stone there.  Her baby’s birthstone.  Mark had given it to her for her birthday, just a few days before their son had been born.  She had worn it ever since. 

Slipping on her sunglasses she looked up to the blindingly blue sky.  Were they looking down on her, watching over her?  Were they all right with the choices and changes she had made?  The light breeze ruffled her hair and the kiss of sunshine caressed her face.  That had to be a sign, didn’t it?  She and Mark had had the “what would you do if” conversation numerous times, but never once did it include moving across the country away from everything and everyone they knew.   But it didn’t feel wrong. 

She cranked the car over and slipped it into drive.  It felt right.


The Burbank Town Center was just a few minutes away from the salon on East Magnolia and she found a parking spot just outside of Old Navy.  It was as good a place as any to start.  Her phone beeped as she was shuffling through a pile of jeans.  Pulling the ‘berry from her purse she smiled when she saw the text.  Catte and Willow were working on Hath.  Her smile grew to a grin.  They were coming for a visit.

Dropping the jeans she hastily pecked out a reply. 

[1:15 PM]  OMG, I can’t believe it!  When?

She had just made it to the dressing room when her phone beeped again.

[1:30 PM]  Two weeks, just for the weekend.  A long one, Thurs-Mon.  Okay?

She nearly danced a jig.

[1:40 PM]  Perfect!  I can’t wait!!

Letting out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a scream she tried on the first of three pairs of jeans. 

“Everything okay in there?”  The clerk sounded concerned.

Stephanie poked her head out the door, “yeah, just got some good news.”

The salesgirl nodded her head and went back to folding.